


We spend a lot of time designing and developing the interiors of our home. Usually, even after we have lived in a place for a while, interior design changes are an ongoing process.

However, a lot of us end up neglecting the outdoor of our homes which is not just an equally important space, but also a place where families can come together and spend genuine quality time with each other.

When we say outdoor spaces, we mean your backyards, front porch, terrace, balconies, any open space around your house that is within your overall property.

So if you are ready to have some fun and want projects that can be enjoyed by your entire family, here are some home outdoor design ideas that you and your loved ones can enjoy for years to come.

Build an Aesthetically Designed Garden

Regular readers of Thrive will know how much I love gardening. However, in this instance I am not talking about building a standard garden with some plants here and there.

I am talking about designing a special garden that speaks to you and your family. Depending upon the space you have, you can create a wonderful garden full of different colours, variety of plants and other additions that brings life to the entire backyard.

You could have a small pond created in the middle. You can have one side of the garden dedicated to birdhouses. You can have herbs and healthy living plants on one side. You can allocate different plants as per the colour of their leaves and flowers they produce.

Your garden does not need to be square or circular. You can have plants arranged in various ways to create patterns. The garden can have paved tiles strategically placed all around so you can take a walk whenever you want with beautiful garden lamps along the path.

Your garden can be anything and can have anything. All you have to do is imagine, plan and execute. It does not matter the size. It could simply be a balcony garden. Creating your dream garden is one of the best outdoor design projects you can take up any time of the year.

Also if you are wondering whether the kids will get involved, well if you share your vision and allow them to be part of the creative process, they will definitely be excited about their new garden.

Create a Plunge Pool

Swimming pools are the absolute best for family times together. They are awesome not just for some fun in the water, but also for spending wonderful evenings around the pool, talking, maybe having a barbecue etc.

However, not everyone has the space or budget to build a proper swimming pool in their backyard. For those with limited space, creating a plunge pool is the next best thing.

You can spend quality time lazing around in a plunge pool. You can spend your evenings around your pool regardless of how small it is. If you have kids, then its simply the best. Kids love to play around in a nice, safe plunge pool.

Best part about these small plunge pools is that you can buy readymade ones that need minimal effort during installation. Of course if you have the skill and patience, by all means go ahead and build one on your own.

Waterfalls and Fish Ponds

You could create a nice, soothing waterfall on one side of your backyard. You get nice, readymade waterfalls of all sizes in the market.

Just pick one that speaks to your design tastes and also matches rest of the décor of your outdoor spaces.

Waterfalls can be a great addition to your garden as well. If you love fishes and know how to take care of them, adding a small fish pond at the base of the waterfall is also a good idea. Just ensure the fishes are safe from the water recycler and pump built inside the waterfall.

Add Lighting Decorations

One of the my preferred activities around the house is to create beautiful lighting decoration.

As mentioned above, you can have beautiful garden lamps around your backyard with paved tiling. You can have those amazing chain of LED lights strategically placed around plants and trees in your backyard or even front porch.

You can have lighting for different moods and different times of the year.

Good lighting adds an added dimension to your outdoor space making it much more inviting to spend quality time with the family.

Design or Renovate Your Patio

One of the more elaborate projects you can take up in your outdoor space is to design and build a patio as per your tastes and preferences. If you already have a patio, maybe it is time to renovate or add some new furniture to liven up the space.

Patios can be small with enough space for just a few chairs and a table or can be extravagant with special roof linings, lots of woodwork, barbecue facilities, ovens and sofas and tables enough to accommodate large number of guests.

All you need to do is plan properly and ensure you have the budget for the creation or renovation of your patio.

Final thoughts

Outdoor design projects can be a lot of fun for the entire family. It is not just fun during the building process but is absolutely amazing when utilizing those projects to spend quality time with your loved ones.

So do not waste any more time and get started with your latest family project. Remember, size does not matter, it is what you create with your space that matters.

For first time home owners, buying your own home is one of the most satisfying things you will ever do in your life. It just feels so gratifying to be in a space that is yours. A real dream come true.

For some, their first home may be mentally rewarding, but they do yearn for something better. When they do find the home of their dreams, most people rush to sign on the property purchase agreement.

Unfortunately though, in this haste to buy our new home, we often end up ignoring certain things that could turn our dream into a complete nightmare.

Regardless of whether you are a first time home buyer or have purchased properties before, there are certain things you need to do to ensure your purchase is indeed something you have always wanted and it does not end up causing a lot of pain.

1) Property inspection

I cannot stress enough how important it is to get professional property inspectors to perform a thorough home inspection before you agree to the sale.

Property inspectors will check your desired home for a long list of issues that usually creep up in various types of houses.

The most important of them is to check for any kind of structural damage. It is vital you know whether the home has any kind of existing structural damage or has the potential for forced renovations in the near future.

If there is a red flag on the property, know that you potentially saved yourself a crazy amount of money and sleepless nights.

Remember you need to get the property checked for a huge number of points and not just major structural damage. The list includes electrical issues, molds, water leakages, ventilation systems, plumbing etc. Each of these issues can cost thousands of dollars in the future.

A thorough property inspection will ensure you are buying a house that is of good-quality and is reliable. It gives you the true cost of the property as you will have an idea of how much you need to spend further besides the sale amount.

2) Check of property taxes and other maintenance costs

Usually when we purchase a home, we calculate our budget based on what is the cost of the property. We plan for a mortgage and the monthly household budget based on the sale price.
However, it is possible a house that you thought was affordable is actually something that goes way beyond your budget.

We should always factor in the house maintenance costs plus the property taxes that you will need to pay each year.

It could be possible the property taxes alone are so high depending upon the location of the house that it will end up causing a huge strain on your general household expenses.

Hence home buying budgets have to depend upon sale price, potential upkeep costs, maintenance costs and property taxes. There could be other charges as well based on whether you are buying a home in a gated community or you are purchasing an apartment.

3) Check for facilities near the house

Most of us do check whether the locality of the house is safe. Families check on whether there are good schools nearby. Others look for good healthcare facilities. Hence safety, education and healthcare are our priorities when purchasing a new home.

Those three points should definitely be on top of your list but you should check for other facilities as well.

This includes checking for connectivity points if you have to travel far for work. Checking whether there are ample number of shops and stores nearby for your basic necessities. Is the area too noisy or a bit too quiet for your liking.

Make a list of things that are important to you and then lookout whether the home you are planning to purchase has access to those facilities.

4) Talk to the neighbours

This is a subjective issue but ideally if possible, you should talk to some of the neighbours before purchasing a property.

Check whether they give you positive vibes or can potentially be a problem. Some may want to live near other families. Others may want peace and quiet while there are those that want lively surroundings. You do not want to end up in a house where your peace is affected thanks to annoying neighbours. Of course what is annoying will defer from person to person.

So if you can, do talk to the people who would live next to you for years to come to know whether the home you are buying can be your peaceful abode.

Final thoughts

Purchasing a home is really exciting. However, please do not rush into it without a thorough understanding of the house, the locality, potential expenses and the facilities and people around you.

This could potentially save you a lot of money and more importantly, save you from heartbreak after buying a home.

With more and more new housing being built across the country, it’s becoming easier to purchase a new home. Whether you’re a first-time buyer, or just looking for a new place to live.

There are unique mortgages available to you, as well as programs for lending and grants to get your purchase complete.

Lower Down Payment Demands

With some realtors, you can negotiate fees for down payments. Usually, the demand is 20%, but with some places you’ll be able to offer as little as 5%.

A solid credit score can help in this regard. There are even ways to purchase homes without a down payment.

FHA loans are mortgages that are insured by the Federal Housing Administration. They protect mortgage lenders, allowing them to offer loans with easier credit checks and lower down payments than you’d find traditionally.

These types of loans are popular with first time buyers, due to their flexibility. However, these loans are also available to those on lower-incomes.

In fact, even if you’re eligible for a 0% down payment mortgage, you should consider if it is right for you.

Sometimes, these mortgages can lead to higher interest rates and longer contracts.

Mortgage Lenders Are On Your Side

Due to the increased competitiveness of the real estate market, that has also seen more loan companies compete to get the best rates.

This has led to a more customer-based approach to get the most effective customer service available. The Home Loan Expert are one such innovative company that truly believe in face-to-face customer service.

They are constantly training and studying any new mortgage loan programs that are around. This means they have a variety of different loan options when it comes to buying a new home.

Mortgage lenders understand the constraints and financial impact of the coronavirus. When it comes to credit checks, there’s a lot more flexibility and understanding.

First Time Home Buyer Programs

In the United States, there are multiple programs available that are put in place for buying your first home. There are even ones that can offer grants that don’t need to be paid back. Mostly, they will be based on the property type and how long you plan to live there.

It’s worth looking into what the government can assist you with, as they have a few personalized options.

If you’ve never bought a principal residence before, then you’re eligible.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development go further with their definition. According to them, a first-time homebuyer is also an individual who has never owned a principal residence, even if their spouse has. As well as someone who hasn’t owned a principal residence for a three-year period.

A first-time house buyer maybe able to withdraw from their individual retirement account without incurring the early penalty.

This usually applies to withdrawals before you are 59.5 years old. The maximum amount you are able to withdraw, if applicable to your situation penalty-free, is $10,000.

It is an unfortunate testament to the times we are living in considering home security products is one of the fastest growing industries in the world.

While we can all dream of living in an utopian world, the reality is that our personal security is threatened on a daily basis regardless of whether we are at home or outside.

Even though we can’t do much about security in public spaces, security in our own homes is something that is in our hands and must be taken seriously.

Traditional vs Modern Home Security Solutions

With incredible growth in home security products, there are a lot of options available to homeowners at the moment. Some of these come under traditional methods while others are considered modern solutions.

When we speak of traditional security, we include things like home security fencing, door locking mechanisms, standard burglar alarms etc.

On the other hand, modern security solutions would include something that is using the latest technology for our safety. This means video camera systems, infrared alarms, digital lock pads, sensor based alarms, app based security systems etc.

So Which Solution Is Right For You?

While you can debate about the effectiveness of traditional or modern security systems, the truth is no one solution is right for you.

Ideally you should be having a combination of solutions that together make for the best possible security system for your home.

Take for example security fencing. It is simple and traditional. If you have the space and budget, you should opt for it. Obviously it alone cannot stop a motivated burglar but it acts as your first line of defence. In fact fences in general have been known to create a psychological impact on a potential housebreaker.

Most intruders or thieves look for opportunities where they can get in and get out with the least amount of resistance. Having an outer fencing installed puts that doubt in someone’s mind about how many barriers they have to cross to enter a house.

After that, you can have a double lock system installed on your doors. A skilful burglar may be able to pick as many locks as your present in front of them. Therefore it is advisable that your double lock system should be one that uses traditional locks along with a digital lock as well.

There are locking systems now where a potential intruder does not realize that there are two distinct locking mechanisms. Even if they are able to pick one of them, the other one kicks in and ensures the door remains locked.

Having cameras around also act as a great deterrent. The recent success of video doorbells with recording facilities is purely due to the fact that most burglars would not want their activities recorded. Disabling these systems are simply too time consuming and the longer it takes for someone to break in to your house, the more likely they will move on and look for another target.

Final Thoughts

If you want foolproof safety or as close to it as possible, remember that you cannot rely on any one single home security solution.

It is always best and advisable to use multiple security systems that combine the advantages of traditional as well as modern security.

Ideally you should look at your budget and then plan a proper security system around the house depending upon the number of accessible points to your house, its layout, outdoor scenario etc.

At the end of the day, most home security solutions are more for our peace of mind to know just in case there was an unwelcome situation, then we have done all we could have to keep our family safe.

A few weeks back, my 10 year old daughter decided it would be a great idea to put up several stickers outside her room door. Surprise, surprise, exactly a week later she decided those stickers looked lame and just had to go.

Unfortunately for me though, she removed the stickers using her nails and left massive glue marks on the doors. In fact, some of the white paper from the stickers were still on the door along with terrible glue stains.

It was such an eyesore and I decided to try and remove the sticker stains myself. What surprised me was absolutely nothing I tried actually worked. I even tried the hair dryer idea that I read online and that did nothing. Using the standard cleaning solutions at home also did not remove any of the glue stains.

That is when someone suggested to me to use white or distilled vinegar from my kitchen for the stains. At first I was a bit afraid of the vinegar spoiling the door paint but using just a bit of it on a cotton and rubbing it on the stains worked like some real magic. All glue stains were out in less than two minutes. I couldn’t believe it and since then, I have been obsessively researching about using vinegar for all stubborn household cleaning jobs.

Why Vinegar Works on Stains?

Vinegar is such an effective cleaning product simply because it is an acid. Of course it is an acid that can be consumed by humans in small quantities and hence not harsh on your house furniture, fixtures or fabric.

According to Scientific American, the acid from vinegar adds a chemical charge to the molecules of a stain that in turn get pulled to the positive and negative charges of water. There are some more scientific reasons for vinegar being so effective on stains which I will not get into complete detail over here. Just know that vinegar’s acidic properties make it one of the best and cheap cleaning products that you will find in your house.

Which Types of Vinegar is Most Effective on Stains?

Even though there are many types of vinegars whose properties are pretty much the same, the best vinegar to use for cleaning purposes is the standard white distilled vinegar.

In some places, it is also known as white synthetic vinegar.

Ideally you should not use other types of vinegar like apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar etc as those could end up causing a different kind of stain and have a distinct smell as well.

How to Use Vinegar for Stain Removal or General Cleaning?

There are two ways you can use vinegar for both stain removal and general cleaning.

1) Put a bit of vinegar directly on a cotton ball and gently rub the area in and around the stain. For glue marks, you may have to apply a bit of pressure.

You can keep pouring the vinegar bit by bit on cotton balls and rubbing the area of the stain till it is completely clean.

Note this technique works best if you are removing stains and not cleaning windows, bathroom tiles etc.

2) The other method is to mix equal parts of vinegar and clean water in any spray bottle you have in the house.

Mix it well and then spray on the area you want to clean. Then take a clean cloth and rub over the area to get a nice smooth spotless finish.

This technique works well with furniture, bathroom tiles, glass windows or any place where you need to clean a larger area.

What Types of Stains Can Be Cleaned by Vinegar?

Ideas for when to use vinegar for your household cleaning jobs.

1) Glue stains from stickers etc.

You can use vinegar directly on those nasty glue stains left over by all kinds of stickers. Vinegar is especially useful when you have stubborn barcodes stuck to brand new plates and other kitchen items.

2) Tea or coffee stains

Tea or coffee stains can be quite a handful even for the best detergents. Vinegar can be used to slowly remove these stains from your clothing, fabric on sofas etc.

3) Stains from car seats

Stains in car seats, especially fabric car seats are a pain. You can spray vinegar and water mixture over your car seats and then after a few minutes scrub the area with a clean cloth to remove any stains in your car.

4) Removing moulds from bathroom tiles

Moulds are a real nightmare for all. I personally have had to deal with this menace in my bathroom. Vinegar really helped in getting rid of moulds from tiles, bathtub and even the sink. Best part about using vinegar is that it reduces the formation of new moulds over time in your bathroom.

5) Window cleaning

If you want a nice spotless shining window, simply spray vinegar and water mixture on the glass and clean normally with a cloth. Vinegar will remove dust, stains, prints etc that glass pick up over time.

6) Sofa cleaning or removing any kind of stains from sofas

Just like you would clean your car seat, you can use vinegar and water mixture to keep your sofas neat and tidy. Spraying vinegar mixture on sofa seats will slowly get stains out of the fabric and give it a spotless look.

7) Removing food stains from clothing

Again, just like tea or coffee stains, you can remove other food stains as well using vinegar from your clothing. The best example that comes to mind is ketchup stains as those used to be all over my daughter’s clothes pretty much on a daily basis.

8) Flooring and Kitchen Sink

Using vinegar and water mixture, you can clean flooring all across your house including the kitchen. Vinegar can be especially used for bathroom and kitchen sinks.

Precautions to take when using vinegar for household cleaning

Overall, vinegar is quite a safe ingredient to use for your household cleaning. Especially white distilled vinegar. Since it is safe for human consumption, it is usually gentle on the objects around your house.

However, considering vinegar is an acid, it is always best to apply a little bit first to check if there is any kind of reaction. If you feel there is discoloration in your fabric or anything else, then you may stop using it.

Also note that vinegar will have its own distinct smell and hence maybe you should not use it if you find the fragrance too strong for you or any household member.

Final Thoughts

For me, discovering vinegar as a cleaning agent has been a real blessing. I have used it for some time now on various objects in my house. From cleaning my daughter’s glue mess to removing moulds from my bathroom tiles.

Best part about vinegar is that most of us would have white vinegar in our kitchen already. So if there was a sudden incident or you have a stubborn stain that just won’t budge, now you know where to turn to any time of the day.

Adding a room to your home is not an easy decision to take, and one mistake here could cost you lots of money. Make the right choice, however, and you could end up significantly increasing the value of your property. This could also give you more living space to enjoy or allow you to use it as rentable space. Let’s take a look at some of the things you’ll need to consider before planning for a room addition.

The Contractor

The first thing is making sure that you work with the right contractor. They need to have years of experience and a stellar track record to show for it. It would also be wise that you have someone that has experience with all sorts of projects as you may need to add more elements to the room, and you don’t want to have to bring more people in.

People like Cattenacci Construction are a perfect option. Not only have they been in the addition construction business for years, but can also handle everything from home remodeling, kitchen remodeling, bathroom remodeling, and more. Having a well-rounded team like this will make sure that they will be able to give you a quote on the whole project and keep costs to a minimum.

In addition to experience, you want to make sure that the contractor is licensed, bonded, and insured. Licensure will make sure that they are lawfully operating, and a bond will be essential if you want to make sure that the job will be completed.

When it comes to insurance, you want to make sure that they and their employees are covered and that you verify their documentation. If they’re not insured, any damage to your property, third parties and inhabitants, and even their employees might have to be covered by you.


Another thing you have to do is make sure that you have the land surveyed. For one, you have to make sure that you won’t be encroaching on someone else’s property. But it’s also very important to check soil conditions.

For instance, you might find out that the house is built on solid rock. This could make something like basement additions difficult if not impossible. You also don’t want to build on top of shifting soil, and you want to know about anything that might be installed under the soil like water or phone lines, for instance.

Also, you must look at the area if you’re going to be building out instead of up. You might have to work around trees or have them removed, or maybe you have power lines and utility poles. These are all things that will need to be considered, as they will add to the project’s cost.

Your Budget and Goals

You also have to look at what your motivation is to build an addition. Sometimes, you may not have to add a room at all. Or you may not have to add a whole story. Or maybe there is space in your home that you could convert, like an attic.

Unless your budget is unlimited, it should be dictating the design, not the other way around. You need to know what your priorities are and separate your needs from your wants. Then you can eliminate as many wants as possible until you find something you can work with.

As you can see, there are many things you’ll need to take into consideration when building a room addition. Make sure that you work with the right team first and foremost and be reasonable with your design choices.

Winter can be a hard time, and with the coronavirus pandemic, this winter looks set to be harder than ever before.

Sprucing up your home this winter can be a great way to keep busy and improve your overall mood – after all a change can be as good as a rest.

Christmas Decorating

This one is great fun for all members of the family. This winter spreading the festive cheer is more important than ever before, so consider going all out with your decorations, inside and out, to help bring some festive fun to your family and your neighbors up.

The great thing about Christmas decorating is that there’s something for everyone. Whether you want to create a winter wonderland for the kids or pick a tasteful natural theme, the world is your oyster at Christmas.

Time For A Renovation?

Winter might not seem like the obvious time to do work on your home but it can be a really fantastic time to change things up. Rustic is very much back in fashion now so why not try out some new wooden fittings for the kitchen?

Some quality new garden furniture which will be a great investment for the warmer months as well as providing a great place to have socially distanced visits from friends and family. No matter the size or scale of what you want to do you can be sure that you’ll find just the thing at Kefauverlumber.com

Invest In Some Cozy Blankets

There’s nothing better when it’s bitter and cold outside than snuggling up under a blanket to watch a film with the family. Blankets can add a great splash of color to your home as well as providing much-needed warmth and comfort in the colder months.

You can get the kids involved again with this one by having them choose their own blankets to use on family nights at home. Consider getting a blanket box to keep them in to reduce clutter.


Candles can be a great way to improve the atmosphere of your home – though of course, you will need to be careful that they’re out of the reach of any little ones! Candles are another great addition to make your home extra cozy this Christmas.

Whether you choose a festive scent or a calming scent like lavender you can really improve the atmosphere of your home with the right choice of candle.

Bring The Outdoors Inside

This doesn’t have to be limited to the standard Christmas tree! Plants and flowers have all kinds of benefits for your health and mood so winter is the perfect time to consider investing in some home plants. You could go for poinsettias for that Christmas vibe, and they will last well into January with the right care.

You could even try some indoor herbs or create an indoor fruit or vegetable garden. This can be a great one to get the kids involved with to teach them about the world around them and caring for another living thing.

Whether you are thinking back to your childhood or are simply reflecting on the latest holiday season, there is no denying that Christmas lights can produce some truly magical effects. In addition to being a great way to bring friends, families, and communities together, these lights draw on our natural attraction to intense illuminations and create an aesthetic experience that is almost impossible to replicate in any other setting.

Unsurprisingly, countless parks, zoos, municipalities, and businesses spend more than $6 billion on lights per year, according to some recent estimates. By 2024, this market is expected to experience about 20 percent more growth and will reach an impressive $7.6 billion in annual sales.

Clearly, commercial Christmas lights are a very big deal. If you are someone who is planning on purchasing a significant amount of lights before the next holiday season arrives, you will certainly benefit from trying to reduce the cost of commercial lights to the greatest extent you possibly can.

Fortunately, there are quite a few things that seemingly any organization can do to effectively lower the total amount they are spending on commercial LED Christmas lights and other important holiday decorations. In this article, we will discuss eight time-tested strategies that have helped organizations of all varieties reduce their annual costs. By taking the time to be cost-effective with your major illuminating purchases, you can purchase even a greater quantity of lights without needing to break the bank.

1. Invest in LED Christmas Lights

When determining which Christmas lights will be best for your bottom line, it is important to take a holistic approach and account for every cost involved. If you simply purchase the cheapest set of lights you can find, you’ll likely end up purchasing lights that break or go out in a very short amount of time. Once this happens, you’ll need to end up purchasing new lights and your entire savings will have been for naught.

Though they will cost a bit more upfront, LED Christmas Lights are overwhelmingly the most cost-effective option for people who plan on creating long-term holiday displays. These lights can be up to 80 percent more energy-efficient, which can really begin to add up, especially when you are working with millions of lights at once. Furthermore, these lights have a bulb life that is five times longer than traditional incandescent lights, meaning they will not need to be replaced nearly as often.

2. Buy in Bulk

As you will find when making most purchases, buying Christmas lights in bulk is one of the easiest ways to reduce the amount you are paying on a “per bulb” basis. Rather than buying a few thousand lights here and a few thousand lights there, take the time to calculate how many lights you are likely to need and make your purchase all at once. If you are unsure how many lights you think you’ll need for your display, consult your supplier prior to purchasing.

3. Purchase Backup Bulbs

Once you have a comprehensive understanding of how many bulbs you’ll need for your display, consider purchasing an adequate “backup” supply of bulbs and cords as well. When operating at higher volumes, the probability of a bulb—or even an entire string of lights–breaking will increase. As a good rule of thumb, you should purchase about 2 percent more bulbs than you actually need. However, this can vary, depending on the dynamics of your specific display.

4. Purchase Christmas Lights During the Offseason

As you might expect, most major commercial Christmas light suppliers experience an increased volume of sales towards the end of the year. In order to offset their uneven cash flows, many of these companies will offer dramatic discounts during other seasons.

Purchasing Christmas lights many months before December can help you save 20 percent on your total purchase, or even more. Additionally, the “offseason” is a great time to purchase lights for other holidays, such as the Fourth of July or Halloween. After all, the magic of these lights can last throughout the entire year.

5. Use an Online Commercial Christmas Light Supplier

Generally speaking, online commercial light suppliers will be more affordable than the lighting specialists operating out of a brick and mortar storefront. These suppliers will usually keep their lights in a centralized warehouse, effectively reducing their total overhead costs and passing the savings on to you. While you may want to explore multiple options before making any final purchases, beginning your search online will usually be your best bet.

6. Create Specialty Displays by Hand

With the so-called “LED Revolution”, the variety of seasonal decorations available has considerably expanded. LED silhouettes and character displays, for example, have become especially popular. If you are looking to save some money, you may want to consider creating these displays by hand, rather than purchasing them pre-constructed. As long as you are willing to put in the time and effort required to make them look professional, viewers are unlikely to notice.

7. Take Actions to Extend the Life of Each Bulb

To reduce the amount you are spending on Christmas lights each year, you should proactively try to extend the life of each bulb to the greatest extent you possibly can. This can be done by always making sure the bulbs are turned off at night, minimizing exposure to extreme weather conditions, and—in some cases—lowering the wattage being used to illuminate each bulb.

8. Look for Special Discounts

Lastly, the best way to save on Christmas lights is to be an active shopper that is consistently looking for discounts. If a company has a surplus supply of a specific string of lights, for example, they will very likely offer temporary discounts until the apparent surplus is eliminated. To remain up to date on the best deals for Christmas lights, consider subscribing to your favorite supplier’s newsletter.


Christmas lights are undeniably fun but, if you’re not careful, the costs of creating a truly impressive commercial display can really begin to add up. Fortunately, saving on Christmas lights is likely much easier than you might think. With these strategies in mind, you can lower your total bill without needing to sacrifice the overall quality of your display.