Many people suffer from hair loss each year. They need hair growth to regain their sense of social confidence. Since many cases of hair loss are not considered that important by medical doctors, you may have to resort to natural remedies for the problem.

Home remedies for hair growth have been around for years. Some work while others don’t. The primary thing to remember about them is that if the remedy provides the missing link to why you have hair loss, it will work. If not, it won’t and you’ll have to try again.

Here are 10 home remedies for hair growth that you can start testing out yourself:

1. Rosemary oil

For this home remedy, you’ll need about 12 drops rosemary oil and 12 drops jojoba oil. Mix together in small bowl and apply with fingertips to scalp. Then cover your hair with a cap and leave it on for a few hours. Then shampoo it out.

2. Nettles

Nettles is one of the herbs that is high in silica. Although silica isn’t recognized as a nutrient essential for humans or animals, it really is. We suffer from all sorts of connective tissue diseases when we don’t have enough silica in our body. Nettles are anti-inflammatory which can interfere with inflammatory compounds causing a hair loss problem. Take the capsules daily – two capsules twice daily or make a tea with one teaspoon dried nettles and then apply onto scalp after shampooing.

3. Silica

By feeding the connective tissue, this one of the home remedies for hair growth works for about 90% of those with hair loss; that’s what I’ve found. It encourages growth of the hair. You’ll be able to see much faster growth in about 2-4 weeks, as you notice your haircut is long overdue. If you purchase silica capsules at a health food store, take 6-10 capsules daily. If you take diatomaceous earth powder, get the loose powder from feed stores marked USDA Food Grade and take one heaping tablespoon twice daily.

4. The herb ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo sends blood circulation to the head and scalp while making you feel much more intellectually alive. One to two cups of tea daily is all you need; drink it.

5. The herb saw palmetto

Interestingly, this herb works by decreasing the amount of testosterone in the scalp, which has been linked to hair loss. Some health experts report it’s better than Rogaine. Take two capsules twice daily.

6. The herb Pygeum

This herb is similar in its action to that of saw palmetto. Take the same dose as in saw palmetto.

7. Biotin and folic acid

Taking 3-5 mg of each of these may stop hair loss if your hair loss is due to a biotin or folic acid deficiency. But don’t forget to add a regular B complex to your dietary supplements so you don’t create any imbalances in nutrients.

8. Tea tree oil

It’s possible you may have picked up a mite or parasite or fungus which is causing your hair loss. Stop it with a tea tree oil scalp massage applied once daily for three or more days. Shampoo after letting it soak into the scalp for a few hours.

9. Fo-Ti herb

This herb has been known to turn back gray hair coloring while it stops high levels of testosterone from damaging your crop of head hair. Amazing herb! Take two capsules twice daily.

10. Diatomaceous Earth

This one is my favorite. Diatomaceous earth is the tiny bodies of diatoms from sea creatures that are high in the element silica. What’s really important about this is that silica is one of the most essential elements yet it’s rarely included in multivitamins and minerals. Smart hair, skin and nails supplement companies have included small amounts in their supplements for years and have created silica supplements for hair in capsule form that is outrageously expensive and meant to gouge the pockets of those who want to look beautiful.

But now you can be smarter than these supplement companies by going right to the source and getting diatomaceous earth from the feed stores. This is fed to animals, used on the garden and in the pool and will truly make your hair grow wild. I’ve seen this one work wonders for hair growth – it even helps increase the numbers of hairs on the head and the length will grow exceptionally long for you despite your genetics. Here’s why: everyone is deficient in this element as its levels in the soil have dwindled drastically. Deficiencies affect all the connective tissues in the body: the hair, skin, nails, lungs, colon, muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments. Not only will your hair grow with this one but your nails will, too.

The recommended amount per day is two heaping tablespoons daily. Simply mix it into juice, milk, protein shake or yogurt. The flavor isn’t bad at all.

Discover which of these home remedies for hair growth works best for you! Then let me know!


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