
security fence


It is an unfortunate testament to the times we are living in considering home security products is one of the fastest growing industries in the world.

While we can all dream of living in an utopian world, the reality is that our personal security is threatened on a daily basis regardless of whether we are at home or outside.

Even though we can’t do much about security in public spaces, security in our own homes is something that is in our hands and must be taken seriously.

Traditional vs Modern Home Security Solutions

With incredible growth in home security products, there are a lot of options available to homeowners at the moment. Some of these come under traditional methods while others are considered modern solutions.

When we speak of traditional security, we include things like home security fencing, door locking mechanisms, standard burglar alarms etc.

On the other hand, modern security solutions would include something that is using the latest technology for our safety. This means video camera systems, infrared alarms, digital lock pads, sensor based alarms, app based security systems etc.

So Which Solution Is Right For You?

While you can debate about the effectiveness of traditional or modern security systems, the truth is no one solution is right for you.

Ideally you should be having a combination of solutions that together make for the best possible security system for your home.

Take for example security fencing. It is simple and traditional. If you have the space and budget, you should opt for it. Obviously it alone cannot stop a motivated burglar but it acts as your first line of defence. In fact fences in general have been known to create a psychological impact on a potential housebreaker.

Most intruders or thieves look for opportunities where they can get in and get out with the least amount of resistance. Having an outer fencing installed puts that doubt in someone’s mind about how many barriers they have to cross to enter a house.

After that, you can have a double lock system installed on your doors. A skilful burglar may be able to pick as many locks as your present in front of them. Therefore it is advisable that your double lock system should be one that uses traditional locks along with a digital lock as well.

There are locking systems now where a potential intruder does not realize that there are two distinct locking mechanisms. Even if they are able to pick one of them, the other one kicks in and ensures the door remains locked.

Having cameras around also act as a great deterrent. The recent success of video doorbells with recording facilities is purely due to the fact that most burglars would not want their activities recorded. Disabling these systems are simply too time consuming and the longer it takes for someone to break in to your house, the more likely they will move on and look for another target.

Final Thoughts

If you want foolproof safety or as close to it as possible, remember that you cannot rely on any one single home security solution.

It is always best and advisable to use multiple security systems that combine the advantages of traditional as well as modern security.

Ideally you should look at your budget and then plan a proper security system around the house depending upon the number of accessible points to your house, its layout, outdoor scenario etc.

At the end of the day, most home security solutions are more for our peace of mind to know just in case there was an unwelcome situation, then we have done all we could have to keep our family safe.