
Hair growth


There is no doubt in my mind that vitamins and hair growth are linked in a million different ways and that some vitamins, such as B7 (or simply Biotin), are extremely important for maintaining healthy, strong and shiny hair. Now, many beauty products that contain Biotin claim that this magical ingredient can make hair grow faster, re-grow lost hair and even make your hair thicker. Let’s find out whether these claims are true or just marketing hype.

What is Biotin?

Biotin, also called vitamin B7, is a part of something known as the vitamin B complex, which is a whole group of very important vitamins that aid everything from cell growth to balancing hormonal levels in the body. Biotin is created naturally in the intestines and can also be acquired from various food sources as well as supplements.

One very important thing to understand about Biotin and most other vitamins (including B-complex vitamins) is that they do not aid hair growth/re-growth directly. Many hair beauty products claim that B vitamins can improve hair growth – that’s not true!

Now, this doesn’t mean that supplementation is useless! Biotin plays an important role in hundreds of different processes within the body, some of which are crucial to maintaining/producing healthy hair. This is exactly why vitamin B (including B7) supplements seem to have a different affect on different people. If your inner processes are working slower due to mineral or vitamin deficiencies, correcting them will certainly produce great results. In some cases, however, taking vitamin supplements will have no noticeable effect (if your hair loss is genetic, for example).

Oh and remember that vitamins for hair/nail growth should always be taken orally. Topical creams, shampoos and various other solutions that contain Biotin are next to worthless.

Sources and Usage

As with all vitamins, the best way to increase your daily intake is by changing up your diet. That’s because vitamins from dietary sources are much better absorbed by the body. Some of the most common Biotin-packed foods are: green leafy vegetables, lentils, walnuts, almonds, Swiss chard, milk, carrots, berries (raspberries, strawberries) and many others.

Another way to get more Biotin into your system is by taking vitamin B supplements. While this method is not as effective as eating a healthy and balanced diet, it is often the best option for people with Biotin deficiencies and conditions that could benefit from Biotin supplementation.

Remember, however, that you should have your vitamin B levels tested (ask your doctor to perform a blood test) in order to determine what daily supplement dose you should be taking. While Biotin deficiencies are rare, some people suffer from various other vitamin B deficiencies that can have devastating effects on hair growth/health and should be treated with a full B-complex vitamin supplement.

In very rare cases your body might be unable to properly absorb vitamin B. When this happens, you will experience brittle nails, weak/breaking hair, slow hair growth and many other related symptoms. In such cases, ask your doctor to recommend a good sublingual vitamin B supplement instead of pills/tablets. Sublingual supplements are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and have a much quicker and more powerful effect.

And remember that any vitamin/supplement regimen will normally take 2-3 months to start showing measurable benefits. So be patient, eat healthy and don’t lose hope!

What Vitamins Does Your Hair Need For Hair Growth?

There are many reasons why you may want to speed up your hair growth. Whether you simply can’t wait to grow out of a horrible haircut or need help with problems such as hair loss or thinning, there are natural solutions that can help. Choosing the right Vitamins for Hair growth is essential and important.

Vitamins are particularly useful for hair growth as well as your overall health. Now, since hair is actually a part of your body, you can’t have healthy hair growth without maintaining a good vitamin and mineral balance. Another very important thing to remember is that both vitamins and oils can make your hair softer, shinier and thicker, which is something that often goes overlooked.

On this website I will try to answer all of your natural hair growth questions and give you some tips on how to keep your hair looking healthy all year round! While the main focus is on vitamins for hair growth, I will also cover topics such as hair oils and hair loss treatments.

What Makes Our Hair Healthy?

We all have bad hair days from time to time. For some people, however, hair problems are almost a part of life, something they’ve been dealing with for so long that they can’t imagine it being any other way. So what is it that separates people with healthy hair from those who face hair problems on a daily basis?

The answer is usually very simple. Hair growth and health depends on three things: your genes, your hair care routine and your diet. While we can’t change our genes, there’s a whole lot that we can do about how we look after our hair as well as what foods we eat.

In reality, most problems with slow hair growth happen either due to malnutrition (very rare) or because of improper hair care (extremely common). Both of these conditions can be treated with natural solutions and you should see incredible results in no time. And even if you suffer from a genetic condition that causes hair loss or thinning (inability to absorb certain vitamins, male pattern baldness, thyroid issues, and so on), there is probably a solution out there, so don’t despair and start searching.

In the next few paragraphs, I will help you find the best vitamins for hair growth and identify other natural treatments that can help make your hair more luscious, softer and healthier.

Why Choose Natural Vitamins for Hair Growth?

You might be asking yourself why choose natural vitamins for hair growth instead of artificial chemicals/products? After all, these products are scientifically created and therefore superior, right? Not quite.

Most scientific studies show that minerals and vitamins which we need to promote good health, growth, and hair growth are best absorbed when ingested through food. As a result, many people choose natural vitamins instead of artificial supplements, pills or hair care products that contain vitamins and minerals.

Now, some people are under the impression that natural is the way to go for everything and others are the complete opposite; they think that natural is always bad and chemically altered products are vastly superior.

To be honest, there is definitely a midpoint that is ideal for all things in life and hair growth/health are no different: some hair growth vitamins are best obtained from food sources, while others should be taken in supplement form. In the majority of cases however, natural sources prove to be far superior to artificial supplements.

When it comes to hair care products however, things are a little different. The sad truth is that you can spend hundreds of dollars on fancy revitalizing shampoos from salons, but many of these products are merely snake oil. That is, they have a label full of chemicals, a fancy bottle, an appealing smell, and no positive influence on your hair. Things have gotten so out of hand that many beauty product manufacturers today use respectable scientific studies to their advantage by twisting the facts whichever way they like! Here are two examples of such false marketing:

  • Most hair care products today contain B-complex vitamins. Interestingly, there is practically no scientific evidence that B-complex vitamins have any positive effect when applied externally. In practically all cases vitamin B should be either acquired through food or taken in supplement form. Nonetheless, beauty product makers flaunt all of the amazing benefits that vitamin B can have on your hair.
  • Expensive shampoos that contain coconut oil and a whole lot of other ingredients such as silicones, vitamins, various oils and so on. The truth is that a simple baby/organic shampoo combined with a little organic coconut oil will do a lot more good for your hair. Without the premium price tag.

Instead of nourishing your hair and allowing it to grow to its fullest capability, artificial chemicals and other ingredients used in beauty products can often cause damage and be detrimental to hair growth.

The Best Vitamins for Hair Growth and Thickness

There’s a lot of debate whether vitamins and hair growth are related and which vitamins, if any, should be used to improve the rate at which hair grows. My opinion is that vitamins do affect hair growth, both directly and indirectly. Below is a list of some of the main vitamins that can help you boost hair growth and thickness.

Vitamin B7 (also known as Biotin)

One of the most important vitamins for hair growth and thickness. Biotin is a necessary vitamin as it aids in the production of fatty acids, promotes cell growth and has many other important roles involving amino acids and fats. Simply put, your hair needs biotin.

An important thing about Biotin is that it works best when taken together with other B-complex vitamins such as vitamins B5, B6 and B12. Most of us suffer from mild to severe vitamin B deficiencies and restoring this balance can do tremendous things to hair health. Sources of Biotin include various foods as well as most dietary supplements and multivitamins.

Using Biotin: Since you are most likely already consuming some biotin through your diet, it is very difficult to tell whether you have a deficiency or not without a proper blood test. Luckily, this test is not expensive and only takes a few minutes – as your doctor for more details.

If your test results show that you do suffer from Biotin (or any other vitamin B) deficiency, you should begin a course of B-complex supplements. Now, some people suffer from a condition that makes it very difficult for the body to process some of the B vitamins. In these cases using a sublingual (under-the-tongue) supplement might be a good idea.

The results will not be instantaneous, but within a few months you should definitely see noticeable results with regards to hair growth and thickness, as biotin is one of the best vitamins for this. It is important to note that no such treatment, even when using all natural products, should be undertaken without first consulting a doctor or a nutritionist.

All vitamins and minerals that improve the immune system (vitamin C) , help with cell growth (vitamin C), improve blood circulation (vitamin E), fight dry skin/scalp (vitamin A) and help the body absorb other nutrients (vitamin D) should be considered when looking to speed up hair growth.

While many of these vitamins do not have a direct effect on hair growth rates, a person suffering from a vitamin deficiency will not be able to sustain normal hair growth. Remember that every vitamin is different. Some should be taken in supplement form, while others must to be acquired through diet and diet alone! Read more about this here and here.

Hair Growth Vitamins for Women

While (at least for the most part) men and women should be following almost identical nutritional and hair care routines, there are a few crucial differences:

  • Women are much more likely to enjoy various hair oil treatments which can be beneficial for hair growth, shine, softness and scalp health.
  • Women tend to have significantly longer hair which breaks off easier. This calls for better, more subtle hair care. In addition, hair breakage can be prevented by reducing split ends, using coconut oil to strengthen hair, and so on.

As for vitamins, most women tend to have some (although usually mild) hair problems due to stress and should take vitamin B, C and D supplements to help keep stress and anxiety levels low. Do remember to consult with your doctor and check for deficiencies before taking vitamin supplements.

Hair Growth Vitamins for Men

Believe it or not, hair is, for the most part, just hair, and this means that it is very similar in both men and women. For this reason, hair growth vitamins for men tend to be more or less the same as those recommended for women. This includes B-complex vitamins as well as vitamins C, A and E. Just remember to take all vitamins in appropriate doses and from the right sources!

On top of this, foods that contain essential fatty acids and products such as natural flax oil can do wonders to promote overall male health, and are a good way to improve hair quality.

Vitamins for Hair Growth – Quick Summary

Most shampoos or hair products claiming to accelerate hair growth or improve hair quality are hoaxes, as many of the natural vitamins cannot even be absorbed properly through hair and skin – they must be taken orally.

B-complex vitamins along with vitamins A, C, E and D are all very important to healthy hair growth. With that said, most people should look into using vitamin B7 (also called Biotin). Hair oils are another superb option for people suffering from various hair conditions including dry hair, dry/flaky scalp, bad split ends, itchy scalp, and so on.

For men and women hair growth vitamins (as well as other treatments) don’t differ too dramatically. In other words, practically any vitamin treatment that works to increase hair growth or quality in men can also be used to achieve the same results in women (and the other way around).

* Please note that no cure or treatment should be undertaken without first consulting your doctor or a nutritionist. *

Having a nice, full head of hair may seem like an unreachable goal for men who suffer from hair loss. If you’ve struggled with thinning hair or fear that you may be genetically predisposed to hair loss, don’t give up, there are solutions to assist you in your quest for hair growth. You don’t have to resort to getting a hair transplant, go toupee shopping, or get an embarrassing comb over. Instead, consider these vitamins for hair growth for men.

Best Hair Growth Vitamins for Men

There are tons of different vitamins that can have a direct or indirect influence on hair growth. It’s important to note that healthy hair growth is only possible if you do not suffer from essential vitamin deficiencies. Now, another thing to keep in mind is that in some cases vitamins won’t be able to cure your hair loss condition – natural methods are rarely effective in treating genetic conditions, for example.

Vitamin A: This vitamin is essential to healthy sebum production (which is a natural skin moisturizer) and a vitamin A deficiency can cause dry scalp and dried out hair follicles. Both of these problems can lead to hair thinning, although that is rarely the case.

Now, vitamin A overdose can actually be very bad for your hair and health in general. Foods that contain beta carotene (which is converted into vitamin A when needed) are completely safe to consume, so eat as many sweet potatoes and leafy vegetables as you want without worrying about overdosing on vitamin A. When it comes to supplements, however, be careful – most multivitamins contain a lot of vitamin A and prolonged consumption can cause toxic amounts of vitamin A to build up in the body, inhibiting healthy hair growth.

Vitamin B: The next time you go shopping for shampoo or other hair care products look at the ingredients. I guarantee you there will be at least one B vitamin in there. There are tons of B vitamins including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12. Now, an important thing to understand about vitamin B is this: it is not effective when applied directly to hair/scalp. This means that all of those expensive shampoos that claim to contain vitamin B for healthier hair are, simply put, worthless.

While vitamin B products applied externally are mostly worthless, taking oral supplements can have tremendous benefits. I’ve written an extensive article about vitamin B and hair health – check it out!

Vitamin C: This vitamin plays an important role in collagen synthesis and without collagen hair cannot exist. The best way to take in vitamin C is through natural food sources: citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, sweet peppers, guava, tomatoes and all kinds of berries. The effectiveness of vitamin C supplements is very difficult to determine properly and many nutritional experts believe that supplementation is nowhere near as effective as vitamin C obtained through diet.

Vitamin E: Again, just like most other nutrients, vitamin E has no direct impact on hair growth. However, since it is known to increase blood circulation to all areas of the body (including the scalp), it can help your hair absorb more essential nutrients and minerals. Good sources of vitamin E include kiwis, avocados, mangos and peanut butter. Since extremely high doses of vitamin E can be toxic and actually contribute to hair loss, you should consume any vitamin E supplements with care.

Fresh garlic: Garlic has incredible healing, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Allicin, an active ingredient found in fresh garlic, can increase nutrient delivery to the skin (which includes your scalp and hair follicles). Many nutritional experts advise people to consume at least 2-3 clovers of fresh garlic daily. Just remember that processed or cooked garlic loses many of its core properties.

As you can see, vitamins are not only good for your immune system health, but can also have a very positive effect on your overall wellbeing, and that includes healthy hair growth. Just remember:

  • Vitamin A overdose can cause hair loss, but it is nearly impossible to overdose on this nutrient if you get it from food instead of supplements.
  • Vitamin B is one of the most important vitamins for hair growth.
  • Vitamin C works best when obtained through diet.
  • Vitamin E overdose is toxic and can cause hair loss. With that said, it is essential to healthy skin/hair growth.
  • Eating fresh (unprocessed and uncooked) garlic on a daily basis can cure many skin conditions and improve scalp/hair health.
  • External hair care products (shampoos, conditioners, etc) that contain vitamins are not going to do much good for your hair. Almost all essential vitamins and minerals have to be taken orally for maximum effect.

Lastly, you have to understand that vitamins alone will not prevent hair loss. A combination of a healthy diet, reducing stress, exercise, and proper hair care all should be used in the fight against hair loss.

Almond oil is one of the most popular skin and hair oils out there. It’s unique, neutral properties make it the perfect oil for people who don’t like thick, heavy, greasy oils that can be difficult to wash out. There are two main types of almond oils: sweet almond and bitter almond. Most skin and hair care treatments use sweet almond oil, since bitter almond oil can sometimes be poisonous and should only be used by professional therapists.

Why Choose Almond Oil for Hair?

First of all, almond oil doesn’t directly improve hair growth (only some essential oils promote hair growth). It does help to keep hair strong and healthy, which is essential to retaining length and making new hair growth more prominent. Now, as I’ve already mentioned, sweet almond oil is unique in a way that it is one of the most “neutral” oils out there:

  • When used sparsely, almond oil won’t weigh your hair down or make it greasy.
  • Most brands of sweet almond oil have a very weak smell that disappears quickly.
  • It’s very easy to spread on scalp/hair.
  • This oil can be used on both fine and coarse hair.
  • Sweet almond oil can be applied to both dry and wet hair.

As you can see, this oil is perfect for those of us who simply don’t have the time or know-how to use trickier oils such as castor, coconut or even jojoba. There are three things that you must remember about sweet almond oil:

  • It is a sealant, not a moisturizer. This means that it can be used to seal-in moisture and is great for people with dry hair (only when combined with a moisturizer, though).
  • Sweet almond oil doesn’t condition/strengthen hair – use coconut oil for this.
  • It will make your hair shiny, soft and easier to detangle.

Almond oil doesn’t have any of the side-effects that can arise when using more complex oils (such as castor, coconut, etc) and is a superb “starting” oil for people new to using hair oils in general.

How to Use Almond Oil

There are many ways that you can use almond oil on hair. I normally apply some oil to my lengths while they’re air drying, but there are many other ways to go about it. I’ll list some of the possible application methods below.

As a leave in: Since sweet almond oil is a carrier oil (which means that it spreads easily and can “carry” other oils), it can be used as a leave in treatment when mixed with your favorite essential oil. Simply apply almond oil to your hair and scalp and leave it in for as long as you like, then wash it out!

Depending on whether you like to sleep with oily hair or not, you can either apply it an hour or so before washing your hair or leave it in overnight and wash everything out the next day. Almond oil is relatively easy to wash out since it’s not as thick as castor or coconut oils.

After shampooing: Almond oil is known to have strong sealing properties, which means that it is very effective for sealing in moisture after you wash your hair. Simply apply some sweet almond oil to wet/damp hair after washing and let it air dry. Since hair can never have too much moisture, this technique should not cause any problems and will leave your hair feeling soft and shiny for days!

Now, remember that while almond oil is relatively simple to use, it can still cause numerous undesirable effects on your hair! The key is to experiment slowly to find out exactly how much oil your hair needs. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • When applying almond oil post-wash, put 1-2 drops of oil on damp lengths (on each side of your head) and spread it evenly. Do not use more than a few small drops or your hair might look oily!
  • Using oils on dry hair is tricky! Be very careful when applying any oil to dry hair. I would recommend using a small drop of oil on your ends, that’s it.
  • You can put some sweet almond, distilled water and a drop of your favorite essential oil into a mister bottle. Add a few drops of your favorite conditioner as well. Use it to keep your hair cool, shiny and moisturized!

Let me know if you have anything to add! I’d love to hear your thoughts on using almond oil for hair!